My Grandma is cool
I spent a jolly pleasant Easter visiting relatives that I see appallingly rarely. I had a particularly good time chatting to my maternal Grandmother, who as well as being my oldest surviving relative is also the coolest. My Grandma is cool for the following reasons-
She owns the biggest telly I've ever seen.
She loves Roy Orbison.
She had a mobile phone, but got rid 'cos she couldn't get the hang of texting.
She uses the phrase "I can't be arsed".
She was 20 in 1950, and witnessed the arrival of rock n' roll to these shores.
I showed her my ipod and she said she wanted one. I played her Antony and the Johnsons and she declared it "lovely".
She owns a copy of Bjork's "Medulla" album.
Can anyone beat that?
As often happens when one visits relatives, I found myself looking through old photographs. There was a piss-funny one of my Uncle and his mates on a basketball tour in Germany, going dangerously close to a Hippo in the zoo (it actually looked like they'd jumped the fence to go right up to it). The picture that really took me aback, though, was one of my Mum and Dad in the early seventies. Seeing my own parents in the first flush of young love, dressed in trendy clothes, fucking blew my mind. My Dad had longish hair and they were both wearing flares. Of course I knew that they were around and having fun before I was born, I'd just never really thought about it before. My Mum was also quite moved when I showed her the photo. I guess everyone has a kind of blind spot when it comes to their own family.